Happy Halloween Y4, we hope you’re all having lots of fun! If you have any pictures of you all dressed up please send them to the Y4 email address and we will post them so your friends can see you. Here is one of Scarlet and AJ (my very own Jack and Sally!) If you have any home learning please bring it into school on Monday. Enjoy yourselves today and have lots of fun!

Miss Eden, Mrs Barton, Mr Baines and Mrs Bates

Half Term Home Learning

Hello all,

We hope you have all had a good week. Whilst it is still raining this morning it might be a good chance to complete one of the Halloween activities or do some reading or spelling and times table practice.

We have been keeping an eye on the times table rockstars website to see who has been busy learning, ready for some testing this week. We are also looking forward to signing off some reads.

Feel free to send any photographs of any Halloween or other learning activities to the Y4 email address:


Halloween Craft Competition

Let’s get crafty….Together has a family, draw a Halloween picture, paint or carve a pumpkin. You can enter as many times you like there is no limit.Send us your pictures to eitherΒ friends@watercliffe.sheffield.sch.ukΒ or via Facebook messenger.Closing date is Monday 2nd November. Judging will take place by the WCM judging panel of Friday 6th November.Please note that this competition is open to families.Good luck.Β πŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ


As part of the build up in our two week ‘Rays of Hope for a Brighter Future’ focus, we are planning and creating dreamcatchers. The weeks explore our feelings of lockdown and the positives that have come from it – and our creative responses will be a positive way to always remember.

Dreamcatchers are said to be a tool to help give the dreamer good dreams by catching bad thoughts and only letting positive ones shine through. We are going to keep them as an installation in school when we have made them to keep the positivity flowing. By Tuesday, the Y4s will have worked in groups to use coloured wool and feathers that reflect our feelings of lockdown, in addition to stating words that we think of when we discuss the positivities of the current times.

A Very Exciting Golden Time

We have definitely jazzed up Golden Time in Year Four! Y4GE had a choice of using giant chalks on the balcony, playing Tin Can Alley or Giant Four in a Row or (one of the most popular choices of the year so far) using cardboard boxes to harness their imagination. We had forts, robot bodies, children in boxes, rockets, cars and just general fun!

Y4KB played some exciting party games and designed and made their own hamma bead creations.

10 Day Active Travel Challenge

Dear families

Just a reminder that our walk to school challenge starts next Monday 12th October until Friday 23rd October. Your child needs to come to school in an active way for 10 days, maybe walking, skipping, biking, scootering! They will have a chart to fill in everyday and will receive a prize if they complete the challenge! If you live a long way from school and have to come by car, you can still take part by parking at least 5 minutes away from school and walking the last part of your journey! We hope to get lots of families being active over the two weeks!